Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Monday Made It (I hope I do this right!)

I have been following 4th Grade Frolics for a couple of years now! I have never been brave enough to actually link up until now.  Correct me if I do not do this right!

My first made it is actually a freebie from a larger set that I put together for this post!
You can pick up the freebie here .
Audience: Shared Journal Covers Freebie!
 I use take-home shared journals in my classroom.  This is a homework version.  Junk Drawer Journal is my favorite. Students find something they can tape into the journal that brings back a memory, such as a movie ticket stub, and write about that memory.

 My students take these home on Mondays and return them on Fridays.  Each Monday they get a new journal to read through other student's writing and add their own.  This is a great way to let the students have an audience to write to, and it also allows the parents to see student writing throughout the year. I also wrote the covers similar to the Texas assessment prompts to give the kids practice.  This is a win win if you ask me!

My second made it is also a freebie in my TPT store.  I hang these parts of speech posters on my classroom cabinet doors as I teach each one through a minilesson.
Lemon and Turquoise Parts of Speech Posters
The students then add sticky note examples to the cabinet doors all year.  It's a great way to help the students practice parts of speech all year long!

Made it number three is an I made it  through a very long day yesterday, and now you will understand why I posted this on Tuesday!  You see, I have four boys ranging in age from 10-18, and they keep me very busy!  My 16 year old, John has his driving test Wednesday, and he lost his permit over the weekend.  We. searched. everywhere.  Since we never found it, we headed up to the local DMV to replace his old permit Monday morning.  2 hours later we were set to go, and they actually even went ahead and did all of the paper work for Wednesday's test!  I was happy about that!  After that, we headed to the oral surgeon for my third in command, Sam.  He just got braces, and he has to have his eye teeth pulled down out of his gums (ouch!).  We were able to go over the procedure and schedule his appointment for September 3rd.  Keep him in your prayers that day :)  Last but not least, after a long day we headed over to none other than the orthodontist.  Yep, Sam also broke a bracket eating the wrong kind of chips this weekend!  I could have kissed the ground when I finally pulled into my driveway!

Well, that does it for me!  I hope I did this first link up right.  Please let me know if I didn't!
Have a great school year!

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